I was trying to think of the things I am most thankful for and one of them is my sight. Because of a rare eye condition I have I could go blind at any time. My vision has definitely deteriorated over the years. There is no cure I just have to try to keep myself from going there. So I am thankful for every day that I can memorize my children's faces, just in case. To watch a sunset. To see a Unicorn sky. A beautiful ocean, a running river, a peaceful lake. I am thankful for all the colors of fall, the white of winter, the brilliant green of spring and my gardens overflowing in summer, bursting with life. I will memorize the sunshine's in my husbands eyes, the vibrant blue of bubu's eyes, the warm brown of Atty's and the deep blue eyes with the longest lashes I have ever seen on Spike. The beauty of my daughter's face. All of their expressions. I will drink in the beauty of nature and give thanks. The sunlight filtering through tree branches. Daisy's growing on the side of the road. Ferns. Fields of wildflowers. All the colors of fresh fruits and vegetables. I am thankful for every rainbow I have seen and will see. For rainy days. Snowflakes falling silently from the sky. Every art project the kids do. I love photos, there are pictures all over my house. I love them because they capture memories for me that I can reminisce about as I gaze at them and I am thankful for that. I enjoy looking at professional photographs too, photos that can capture the intensity of real life. Photos that notice the little things and bring them to life. I love studying them, noticing the color, the angles, the emotion. I am thankful for my sight so that I can cook and craft. Scrapbook and make blankets. So that I can type and read and write with ease. Enjoy a good book. Watch a movie. Witness my children playing together, seeing all their firsts, seeing the love in my family's eyes. I am thankful to have witnessed birth, seeing my children for the first time. All their tiny fingers and toes. Baby rolls. Looking at my children as they nurse all snuggled into me. Seeing the love in my husbands eyes when he sees our children. Seeing the emotion in his face when I catch him staring at me. As I started thinking about all these things I realized that there is so much in every little moment that I see and want to memorize, store away in my brain and treasure forever. It's the littlest things, like a drop of rain at the tip of a leaf, or a fleeting smile on a baby's face that I treasure the most. When I was younger I would always draw eyes, I was fascinated by them. Close ups of big eyes with long lashes. When I would draw faces the eyes would always be prominent. I've always appreciated them for their beauty and ability and for what they tell about a person. Now they are one of the things I am most thankful for.
That was a beautiful post! The little things...those are all to often what we take for granted everyday.
This is so beautiful. I so appreciate your thoughts on being thankful for something that I so take for granted. But really it could be taken away just like that. Thank you. You really do have a wonderful life to be thankful for don't you? Blessings. XXOO
I agree, what a beautiful post.
Some things others take for granted. My neighbour has diabetes and is struggling with this very things
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