Friday, July 6, 2012

The ones we love

For some reason we somehow seem to end up at this park in Anacortes every year around the same time.  It seems to be on the first really sunny and warm day of the year. And at that time we take the obligatory rock photo. 
 This year the pictures didn't turn out so well, the kids just weren't in the mood for momma's constantly clicking camera. See Spikes grumpy face... that kid gets in some serious moods. 

Oh well, I still like looking back at the other years on this same rock and seeing how they have grown. I should put all those pictures together in a post some day. :)

Cute boys.
 Beautiful views.
 Trees to climb {doesn't get much better then that if you ask these monkeys}.

Pretty girls.
 And critters to find under rocks... or rocks to throw... or sand to lay on and soak up sun.
{Sand not pictured. But I promise it was there somewhere.}
 Atticus loves collecting critters in containers... he's always a bit sad to leave them in their natural habitat when it's time to go, but that is a steadfast rule in our family. I have a feeling he will be one of those kids with aquariums full of snakes, bugs, fish, frogs, lizards and what not in his room some day.
Beautiful day spent in the new found sun with the ones we love. :)

1 comment:

Kat said...

That place looks beautiful! And that climbing tree is perfect! :)