I'm thinking that all the boys thought the no bed time thing was an awesome idea, until they realized there really was no end in sight. This is what it looks like when you tell a desperate child that there will be no bed time tonight.
Which is exactly what I look like when they won't let me go to sleep cause they want to stay up well past their bedtime. Revenge? Maybe...
Here hubby and Bubu are trying desperately to pretend they are sleeping so I will leave them alone, no such luck.
First one out, Spike. I guess I should say first child, because hubby was long gone is snooze land, although he would rouse himself every once in a while to say that he was only resting his eyes.
Second one out Bubu. He actually got up off the couch to get away from me and next thing I know he's camped out on the carpet fast asleep. Little sneak.
Guess who was the only one to make it until midnight with me? Yep, Tank, he was still rocking it at midnight. The child is wild.
So to celebrate the New Year we shared some sparkling cider, just the two of us, yummy! Finally I relinquished my hard fast no bed time on New Year's Eve rule, and put the wild partier to bed. I am no match for Tank, he is the ultimate in rule testing! I think his eyes closed the moment his head hit the pillow, no struggle tonight! In fact I think he might have thanked me.

Oh, and this morning Spike woke up at 6:30 in the morning, so much for the whole keep 'um up all night and they will sleep in theory.
Happy New Year to everyone!
Nice work! Wish I could say the same for us!
I can remember banging pots and pans at your house when we were about12!!
oh my gosh, the pic of tank with the "bubbly" is so adorable! Sounds like a very memorable New Years. :) Happy 2009!
That looks like fun :) Soo funny about Bubu on the carpet! Once on vacation with family, I let Kade stay up as late as he wanted. At 3 am, he was still wide-eyed and jumping around, and I made him go to bed, because I couldn't stay awake one minute longer. He then woke up ready for the day at 5 am. That kid doesn't sleep. Ever! lol
Looks and sounds like a good time was had at your house! My husband is always one of the first ones to poop out...kids always outlast him. And he says the same thing "I'm just resting my eyes"....yeah whatever, we're on to you!
Love all the pictures!
I did this same thing. My stepson, almost 10 years, and his friend had stayed up until 4:30 am on a previous sleep over but barely made it for new year's. Your family is so cute. I'm a redhead, so is my stepson, and my little man just might turn out to be one too, it's strawberry blond right now. :)
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