Okay peoples...my hormones are all over the map, I am tired, sick, grumpy, emotional (as in insane!) seriously irritable, it's not pretty. I can cry if you look at me wrong, I am super sensitive about everything. Me + pregnancy = not pretty
Then to top it off, my youngest has Lost His Mind! I don't know if he is teething or an alien has invaded his body, but the kid...he's crazy! He is screaming "No Mommy" at me, at the top of his lungs, over and over again. Crying about everything, and struggling over the littlest things. There is no reasoning with him, or even talking in general when he is in The Zone. Obstinate as all get up, I can hardly handle it any longer. He is being mean and bossy to everyone. He is hitting. He glares at people. I don't know what happened but something has apparently gone seriously wrong with my littlest, and I am so frustrated with it. What did I do? Were did I go wrong? Or is he just evil, cause I am starting to think maybe he is just evil...
1 week ago
Oh man! Sounds like he is just evil. It happnes. He has been so stinking sweet for so long its his turn! Both my kids have gone through that stage, I still see glimps of that little devil that shows up so randomly!
Good luck!
I hate prego hormones, as if we really need to be MORE emotional right?
Haha! Just a phase. Just a phase. Ignore, ignore, ignore I always say. ;)
Hang in there!
I think he's in on the secret: he KNOWS you're pregnant and he's not liking the thought of not being the baby anymore! He's making you PAY!
Seriously, though...there may be an ounce of truth. Little ones are usually quite in tune to their mommies' moods and stress level. He might be responding to your in kind.
Just sayin'.
I totally agree, he knows I am pregnant and is having a hard time dealing with it. Plus he is very sensitive to my moods. Plus he is almost two, and I am in the slow process of weening him, which he's not liking. He has always wanted to be a bigger boy like his brothers, but know he's not so sure. He's even stopped using the toilet regularly like before, and just wants to wear diapers again the last couple days, uggg!
I have a feeling there is going to be a lot of him wanting to be the baby in the next few months, or more...
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