Wednesday, July 29, 2015


We took the kids to a local lake and brought the kayak along. 

It's not a two person kayak but there is room to put one kids at a time in front of me since they are still little-ish.

Mini-kayaking lesson. :) Go Ira go!

Banden leaned forward like this the whole time, so funny. Feeling the wind in his face. ;)

This is harder than it looks. Paddling with one in front and two hanging on in back. No wonder my arms were sore when we left!

So much fun to share my love of kayaking with my kiddos! Only possible because Ryder came along to watch the others on shore while I paddled around. Even got to go out on my own for a bit. :) Sadly it's the only time I've been able to go out yet this year. Better something than nothing I suppose. It was sweet of Ryder to turn our family day into a kayaking trip, knowing how much I wanted to go but also how much I wanted (and the kids needed) some much needed family time. Hopefully I will be able to make time to go out at least a few more times this year. Looks like Ryder will not be working so much over time for a bit (always subject to change at a moments notice) so maybe I can squeak some me time in for kayaking, alone. :) 

1 comment:

Kat said...

How fun! Kayaking is tough. Definitely a workout. But how cool that the kids got to try it out. Looks like they did really well too!