Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas at our house.

I started this blog to record our family life and keep memories alive, but I'm doing a horrible job of that lately. So I force myself now to put down on this here blog our beautiful Christmas...because it truly was. We did all of our visiting the weekend before so Christmas weekend was spent at home together. Christmas eve we watched a movie, played together and relaxed. It was nice and calm and peaceful.Got my Christmas pj's picture.
I always keep a special pair of pj's aside until Christmas eve then give them to the kids to wear so they get all excited about that. This year I almost didn't have any for Bubu, I waited to late and couldn't find any in his size, but my mom pulled through and found some at the very last minute, Thanks Mom! Atty is wearing Bubu's from last year and Spike is wearing Atty's...gotta love the hand me downs... :)
I made special cookies for Atty because he couldn't have any treats in his stocking. I didn't really do any candy this year because of Atty's special diet and the fact that he can't have any. I don't like giving the kids a lot of candy anyways so for Bubu and Spike I gave them one big candy and then things like dried fruit, corn nuts and mandarin oranges {Atty couldn't have any of those things either}. Atty got his regular nuts and then I gave him a plate of cookies while his brothers were getting into their treats. He didn't seem bothered by any of it, so that was nice. The cookies were almond flour cookies with coconut oil frosting and ground up cashews for "sprinkles" with food coloring added. I was pretty excited they turned out so well!

Hanging the stockings with care...

...and being silly...
Then we read Christmas stories {lots and lots} and off to bed for the sleepy heads.

All stuffed, my favorite part! I have to say I was so proud of Bubu and Spike for not saying a word about not getting any candy canes this year or more candy in their stockings. They were so sweet about every thing... really so very understanding.

Lala and her adorable strawberry hat. I got my hubby that shirt in the back ground, so funny! He loved it!!

Atty had a rabbit in his stocking, he was super excited about that. Bunnies are a favorite of his.

Spike all dressed up in his new monkey pj's and monkey hat, so cute.

And of course Bubu looked through every book that they got. {I've read them a million times since then...}
So there ya go...Christmas at our house. Neenee came as always and stayed the day. We lazed around in our pj's all day and did nothing. Absolutely nothing. So nice. That doesn't happen often in our household! Of course it made for A Lot of cleaning the next day but oh was worth it.


Lori said...

Your Christmas sounds perfectly wonderful. Very sweet pictures. What blessings they are...pretty darn adorable one's at that. I hope that 2011 brings much joy, love, peace, hope and laughter to you and your family! Cheers!

Kat said...

That sounds and looks like a wonderful Christmas! Hope you have a fabulous new years as well! :)

mommytoalot said...

Looks like a picture perfect Christmas.
god bless