So I am WAY behind on posting anything about our awesome Thanksgiving. This year, like the last few years, we spent Turkey day at my "little" brothers girlfriends parents house (did you get that?) they are the BeSt! They have all become family to us and we are so blessed to have them in our lives. The house was filled to the brim with love, cozy and inviting. You always feel at home with them, and in fact we spent the night like we always do and then didn't leave until the next night! I just couldn't peel myself away (their couches are really comfortable). They live right by the town I grew up in so there are always mixed feelings when we go, but worth it all the same. This year there was a twist. This year one of my other brothers came who I hadn't seen in about three years. He is my heart child's biological father. My mom has been so sad that we weren't spending holidays together and that he always had to be excluded before the adoption. So now that the adoption is complete my husband and I felt he was in a good enough place to come for a short visit and be with family. I was a bit apprehensive and really didn't want any drama, but the whole thing actually worked out really well and my mom seemed so happy that is was worth it. My brother hadn't seen Atty since he was only a few months old, so it was heart warming for me that he was able to be around him. It's never been because of a lack of love that they weren't able to raise him. I still have so many emotions swirling around about the whole thing, and questions in my head about how we will deal with future family gatherings as my son gets older and understands more, but for now I am glad we made the choice we did. I'm glad I can share this on here because normally I don't talk about it much. I'm having a hard time knowing how to deal with questions from people about which one of our children is adopted and such, because they are usually asking right in front of him. I don't mind talking about how he became my heart child, and we aren't going to raise him with out sharing bits of the story with him at age appropriate times, I just don't feel comfortable talking about it with others in front of him. I don't want him to feel singled out. But that's for a whole different post. There is always some underlining story behind everyone of our family gatherings, it's never simple. Back to all worked out wonderfully and the food was fantastic...and that's the best part! (Or maybe it's all the love.) Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure. :)
My baby brother and his adorable family. Isn't strawberry's cousin just the cutest?!
Neenee (my mom) and her grand baby strawberry. I like this picture because I caught my mom with a great smile on her face, she doesn't like her picture taken and it's hard to get a good one like this. She has a great smile.
Building towers together.
He tried so hard to climb to the top...
...just like his big brother.
Sliding with daddy. We took the boys to the local park because anyone with three little boys knows that trying to get them to sit around calmly while waiting for food, for hours, just isn't going to work.
Holding hands, safety first! :) We got lots of looks in this little town let me tell you. Most people were just smiling at us as they drove past, it was kind of funny. I guess we do make quite a sight, us and our many small children.

Awww just beautiful pictures.
I have a heart child as well.
beautiful!! so glad you shared your inner thoughts and feelings...It's definitely good for you! You have a precious family, all the way around! and you have a heart of gold... :) yummy leftovers!
What a beautiful story! I love it...all the different parts of it. I think I love it because it reminds me so much of my family. I have a heart child, the children I gave birth to and grandchildren that are mine but we are not blood related in th least. Regardless, we are family. I love the pictures that show such love and happiness. Thank you for sharing! I'm thankful that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Have a good weekend. XX Lori
Okay, who the crap is asking which child is adopted? Cuz that would REALLY piss me off! Seriously. Cuz when you come right down to it all of our children are adopted from God. God is giving us these children to raise but they really all belong to God. So there!
Anyway, I am so glad to hear that your holiday went so well. :)
Beautiful pictures!
:) I loved this. Like my mom said, it sounds like our little (big) family! :) I am so hapy you had such a wonderful thanksgiving!
Hope you are all doing well!
You are amazing and inspirational and you have 4 beautiful babies who were blessed with you as their mom!
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