Friday, February 22, 2013

Yes I am posting about Valentines day...

So it's WAY past Valentines day... but I just can't skip the day of love here on this little ol' blog. ;) I know a lot of people have a problem with Valentines day, and I can understand. I despise consumerism in all it's sneaky ways. But I LOVE holidays, and celebrating love is okay with me. It doesn't require big gifts, sparkly stuff and lots of bling. We keep it simple on purpose. :) I actually enjoy Valentines day so much more now that I have kids. Way better than any date Ryder and I went on before. Our kids speak love to me in volumes, fills my heart to overflowing. Makes my love for my husband all the more. Especially when I see him with them.

Made Atty his magic diet candies again this year, using a heart tin. I bought the same heart tins for the kids so all their treats looked the same. They got regular chocolate treats though, they get those every once and a while ;)

Honey brought me home real flowers. :) 
 Funny story... Ryder walked into the house with the beautiful tulips, the cute little frog, and a card for Valentines day. Lala {and the boys} were all excited to see him and jumping around. He walked over to me and gave me a kiss and handed me the gift. All of a sudden Lala bursted into tears. We both looked at her and she said "But daddy I like sparkly pretty things too!" She was totally heartbroken. Not in a spoiled way, she just could not believe that he "forgot" about her on Valentines day. ;) I looked at Ryder and he was panic stricken. He was utterly at a loss. He said something along the lines of "great now I have to stress out about the perfect gift for both my girls". Ha ha! {Silly man} Which made me burst into laughter because we both weren't expecting her to freak out. The boys have never cared about mommy getting an extra special gift on Valentines day. Plus I had given them all threats that morning. Any ways after lots of tears, and her reminding him over and over again about how she loves pretty things too, we finally decided to share the pink frog. As in I gave it to her and she kept it. ;) She clutched on to that thing like it was going to try and get away. She sighed and was a peace with the world. :) She told her daddy "thank you for the special present" over and over again, and she "loved it so much". It was cute. She pretty much clung onto him all night, dancing with him and adoring him. It was adorable. I might have been a wee bit jealous of all the attention she got. ;) Totally kidding. It actually made me a little teary eyed, because I didn't/don't have that sort of relationship with my father, and I am so thankful that my daughter does. It's a beautiful thing.

Special almond flour/blueberry muffins. Yummy. They ate every single one. :)

Me and my loves on Valentines day. Love multiplied. Love realized. I never really even understood love, until I had my children. Didn't even know what I was missing. 
After the kids were in bed my husband and I some how ended up watching a slide show of pictures of our family. I have a slideshow as my desktop background {which I love, it shows all the various pictures that I have on my computer}. We just sat there and laughed and talked and remembered together. It was so nice. :) 

Happy Valentines Day!!!

1 comment:

Kat said...

Awww. That is so awesome. It sounds like the PERFECT Valentine's Day. That's kind of how we do it around here too. :)

My dad used to get my mom flowers and a large heart filled with chocolate, but he would always make a point of getting me a tiny heart with chocolate too. It really did make me feel special. Love that your little lady got the froggy. :)