Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Pumpkin Pickin' Time!

I wish now that I had thought to get baby sister too, but that will have to wait until next year.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The many faces of your beautiful self.

Friday, October 8, 2010
A much needed family day...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
It took me a year, but I'm ready to share.
Let me start with saying that I fired my midwife when I was 36 weeks along. Yes you read that right. I should have done it sooner but she was my midwife for all my children and I really cared for her. You form a bond with someone you entrust your care too, your life and the lives of your children. She is truly a wonderful person and does an amazing job and I will not talk bad about her. But for personal reasons I did not feel comfortable with her services anymore. It's complicated and I don't want to go into it on here. Midwives in general are amazing though, every women deserves a midwife. :)
I was pretty emotional on that day as you can imagine. I cried the whole hour drive home from the appointment and made my decision then. I talked with my husband when he got home and he supported me all the way. He was behind me 100% no matter what my decision was, which is a beautiful thing. I called her the next day and let her know we would not be needing her for the birth, it was one of the hardest calls I've ever made. But I knew with out a doubt it was the right one.
Two weeks later I made an appointment with a doctor in our area to be on the safe side. That way if we ended up in the ER we could call the doctor. They couldn't get me in until October 6th. Her official due date was the 15th. Although I had a feeling she'd be born around the 4th. Didn't matter though because quite frankly I wasn't going to the hospital unless absolutely necessary.
I got my team together, which included a family friend who used to be a midwife. I'd felt a huge need for a big female support group during this pregnancy. I told them all about the change of plans and they all supported me. I researched home births {which we were already planning with my prior midwife by the way} and even unassisted home births. Watched some inspirational birth videos {non-stop}. Got my herbal tinctures ready, my birth kit, prepared the bedroom, wrote down all my wishes and needs for during and after labor. Wrote down notes from my Spiritual Midwifery book by Ina May Gaskin. Which I've read during each and every pregnancy. Cried. Acknowledged the fear I'd had during the whole pregnancy about having a girl. Talked nightly about the game plan with my husband. His support meant so much to me.
Then October 4th came and sure enough by 10 pm my rushes were regular and uncomfortable enough that I called up my girls. They came right away, some with babies, in the middle of the night. All had to drive for a hour or more to get to me and most had to work the next day. They are all amazing women. I started to feel like pushing around 4 pm...then all of a sudden it stopped. Just like that. I had read about how women can regress in labor and even become undilated, and I ended up experiencing this first hand. My body just shut down, I think partly because I knew that most of my support team had to leave in the morning and I didn't want to do it with out them. As the light started to shine into the windows I sat in a chair and cried myself silly. Everyone took turns hugging and kissing me and reassuring me. My water hadn't broke so there was no worry there, but I was so tired and felt so defeated. Everyone left soon after except my good friend Iva and my mom. I spent the remainder of what ended up being a beautiful day resting and doing a little walking around on the back deck. I was continuing to have mild rushes but I could tell she was still high up and not engaged in my pelvis at all. I can remember holding onto the railing on the deck, rocking my hips with my eyes closed, sunshine on my face, begging her to come out. Tears streaming. Nothing happening. Even Iva eventually left. That night our friend/midwife called to check on me and told me to take a bath, take a little valerian tincture and go to bed. So Ryder sat with me while I did just that and it really did feel wonderful relaxing in the tub for a bit. I laid down and tried to rest but as soon as I laid down the rushes picked up. I was determined not to call anyone this time until I was certain it was the real thing. So I waited and waited and wait. I waited until I literally felt her starting to move down and things were getting hard to stay on top of. Those rushes that feel like a wave that could easily drag you under. The ones that take all your concentration to roll through and over. They were coming on regularly at this point so I woke Ryder around 9pm and told him to make the calls. Then I prayed that it was the real thing this time. It felt even more intense then the night before. It continued to be intense until around 2 am, I won't go into details but it tested my limits way more then Spikes birth, probably because it was taking so much longer! I changed positions over and over again. I was so tired but when I laid down on the bed everything would slow down and my husband would suggest switching positions so I grudgingly would and everything would pick up again. Then we hit 2 am and for a scary moment it seemed like I was shutting down again. I knew if I didn't have her soon I would run out of energy. I was exhausted beyond belief and 30 hours in. Then all of a sudden I was almost overcome with three strong rushes in a row, I could barely keep on top of them and with and audible pop my water burst. And it was go time. She came fast from that moment on. I had to force myself to NOT push and let her ease out, because I have big babies. It's necessary, trust me. She came down the birth canal so fast that her head didn't even mold, it was perfectly round. Then just like that, there she was. Our little baby girl. I could feel the love and joy in the room and it felt wonderful. I was beyond exhausted and sort of in shock that she was actually finally out! My husband assisted me through the whole thing, with the support of everyone in the room. He is my hero. She was born into her daddy's loving arms.
And then he passed her to me. My beautiful baby girl. Big round head, full lips, Rosy body, healthy sweet bundle of joy. Right after she was handed to me I started to snuggle her and then as an after thought I lifted up the blanket to check and make sure she was indeed a girl and everyone laughed through their tears. Because there wasn't a dry eye in the room. She was born at 3 am on the dot. {the clock was off in our room so we went off the clock on our camcorder.}

Monday, October 4, 2010
Wear that baby!